Head in The Clouds
2020, Mixed Media Installation, Variable Size
A manipulation of visual, auditory, olfactory and kinesthetic senses for pupils to be able to linger and contemplate on their thoughts and memories of solidarity and solace.
Contemplate Solace and Solidarity.
A manipulation of visual, auditory, olfactory and kinesthetic senses for pupils to be able to linger and contemplate on their thoughts and memories of solidarity and solace. To replicate such vague and undefined experiences, the installation exerts stimuli on all senses and is a space where everything is indefinite: time, space and being.
A Distortion of Time (Visual and Auditory)
Using purely artificial lighting in an enclosed space to make the viewer feel distant from the world they have just walked out of once they entered the room and manipulating hues and intensities to emulate a slow and/or face paced change between dusk, dawn, night and day. Auditory cues of a ticking clock variating and pulsing at different tempos to create a sense of distorted time.
A Distortion of Space (Visual and Kinesthetic)
Using artificial lights and layering translucent fabrics around and across the room, the desired effect is to make the room look and feel out of place, infinite and indefinite. Focusing mainly on the layering and manipulation of visual opacity as well as the feel and textures that can be touched within the space.
A Distortion of Being (Visual and Olfactory)
With a combination of methods to decrease the viewer’s visibility including that of fog/smoke and fabrics, the desired effect of this is for the viewer themselves to start to slowly lose sense of a physical place and drift into their state of thought.